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Costa Rica


In the summer of 2013 I traveled to Alajuelita, Costa Rica with Ridgecrest Baptist Church. For a week, we rebuilt a house for a family, provided lunch and dinner for the locals, and got to play and love on the kids there. What I discovered in Alajuelita was not life changing but eye opening. While there spreading the word and love of God, my eyes were opened to the universal language, love. At first the language barrier was a little rocky but once a kid jumped into your arms, you could see what they were saying in their eyes and actions. While on this trip, I learned the true meaning of answering God’s calls and that a person only grows when they are pushed out of their comfort zone. Through my experience, I strengthed my desire to continue seeking ways to serve others at home and away. Once I was back in the states, I heard a quote by Stefan Vandenkooy and it perfectly summed up my experience; "Your degree is just the door. Your work ethic is the key, but it is only by the grace and strength of God that you will walk through that door and help whoever may be on the other side." I continue to show compassion and serve in any way I can in the Auburn community.

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